Summary #
- Procedural macros are a special kind of Rust macro that allows the programmer to generate code at compile time based on custom input.
- In the Anchor framework, procedural macros generate code that reduces the boilerplate required when writing Solana programs.
- An Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) represents the syntax and structure of the input code that is passed to a procedural macro. When creating a macro, you use elements of the AST, like tokens and items, to generate the appropriate code.
- A Token is the smallest source code unit that the Rust compiler can parse.
- An Item is a declaration that defines something that can be used in a Rust program, such as a struct, an enum, a trait, a function, or a method.
- A TokenStream is a sequence of tokens representing a piece of source code. It can be passed to a procedural macro, allowing it to access and manipulate the individual tokens in the code.
Lesson #
In Rust, a macro is a piece of code you can write once and then "expand" to generate code at compile time. This code generation can be helpful when you need to generate repetitive or complex code or when you want to use the same code in multiple places in your program.
There are two different types of macros: declarative macros and procedural macros.
- Declarative macros are defined using the
macro, which allows you to match against code patterns and generate code based on the matching pattern. - Procedural macros in Rust are defined using Rust code and operate on the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the input TokenStream, which allows them to manipulate and generate code at a finer level of detail.
This lesson will focus on procedural macros, which are standard in the Anchor framework.
Rust concepts #
Before we discuss macros specifically, let's review some of the important terminology, concepts, and tools we'll use throughout the lesson.
Token #
In Rust programming, a token is an essential element of the language syntax, like an identifier or literal value. Tokens represent the smallest unit of source code recognized by the Rust compiler, and they are used to build more complex expressions and statements in a program.
Examples of Rust tokens include:
- Keywords, such as
, andmatch
, are reserved words in the Rust language with special meanings. - Identifiers, such as variable and function names, refer to values and functions.
- Punctuation
marks, such as
, and;
, are used to structure and delimit blocks of code. - Literals, such as numbers and strings, represent constant values in a Rust program.
You can read more about Rust tokens.
Item #
Items are named self-contained pieces of code in Rust. They provide a way to group related code and give it a name by which the group can be referenced, allowing you to reuse and organize your code modularly.
There are several different kinds of items, such as:
- Functions
- Structs
- Enums
- Traits
- Modules
- Macros
You can read more about Rust items.
Token Streams #
The TokenStream
data type represents a sequence of tokens. It is defined in
the proc_macro
crate and is surfaced so that macros can be written based on
other code in the codebase.
When defining a procedural macro, the macro input is passed to the macro as a
, which can then be parsed and transformed. The resulting
can then be expanded into the final code output by the macro.
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
pub fn my_macro(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
Abstract syntax tree #
In a Rust procedural macro context, an abstract syntax tree (AST) is a data structure that represents the hierarchical structure of the input tokens and their meaning in the Rust language. It's typically used as an intermediate representation of the input that can be quickly processed and transformed by the procedural macro.
The macro can use the AST to analyze the input code and make changes to it, such as adding or removing tokens or transforming the meaning of the code. It can then use this transformed AST to generate new code, which can be returned as the output of the proc macro.
The syn
crate #
The syn
crate is available to help parse a token stream into an AST that macro
code can traverse and manipulate. When a procedural macro is invoked in a Rust
program, the macro function is called with a token stream as the input. Parsing
this input is the first step to virtually any macro.
Take as an example a proc macro that you invoke using my_macro!
as follows:
my_macro!("hello, world");
When the above code is executed, the Rust compiler passes the input tokens
("hello, world"
) as a TokenStream
to the my_macro
proc macro.
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use syn::parse_macro_input;
pub fn my_macro(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let ast = parse_macro_input!(input as syn::LitStr);
eprintln!("{:#?}", ast.token());
Inside the proc macro, the code uses the parse_macro_input!
macro from the
crate to parse the input TokenStream
into an abstract syntax tree (AST).
Specifically, this example parses it as an instance of LitStr
representing a
UTF-8 string literal in Rust. Call the .token()
method to return a
that we pass to the eprintln!
to print the AST for debugging purposes.
Literal {
kind: Str,
symbol: "hello, world",
suffix: None,
// Shows the byte offsets 31 to 45 of the literal "hello, world"
// in the portion of the source code from which the `TokenStream` was parsed.
span: #0 bytes(31..45),
The output of the eprintln!
macro shows the structure of the Literal
that was generated from the input tokens. It shows the string literal value
("hello, world"
) and other metadata about the token, such as its kind (Str
suffix (None
), and span.
The quote
crate #
Another important crate is the quote
crate, which is pivotal in the code
generation portion of the macro.
Once a proc macro has finished analyzing and transforming the AST, it can use
the quote
crate or a similar code generation library to convert it back into a
token stream. After that, it returns the TokenStream
, which the Rust compiler
uses to replace the original stream in the source code.
Take the below example of my_macro
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use syn::parse_macro_input;
use quote::quote;
pub fn my_macro(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let ast = parse_macro_input!(input as syn::LitStr);
eprintln!("{:#?}", ast.token());
let expanded = quote! {println!("The input is: {}", #ast)};
This example uses the quote!
macro to generate a new TokenStream
of a println!
macro call with the LitStr
AST as its argument.
Note that the quote!
macro generates a TokenStream
of type
. To return this TokenStream
to the Rust compiler,
use the .into()
method to convert it to proc_macro::TokenStream
. The Rust
compiler will then use this TokenStream
to replace the original proc macro
call in the source code.
The input is: hello, world
Using procedural macros allows you to create procedural macros that perform powerful code generation and metaprogramming tasks.
Procedural Macro #
Procedural macros in Rust are a powerful way to extend the language and create custom syntax. These macros are written in Rust and compiled with the rest of the code. There are three types of procedural macros:
- Function-like macros -
- Derive macros -
- Attribute macros -
This section will discuss the three types of procedural macros and provide an example implementation of one. Writing a procedural macro is consistent across all three types, making this example adaptable to the other types.
Function-like macros #
Function-like procedural macros are the simplest of the three types of
procedural macros. These macros are defined using a function preceded by the
attribute. The function must take a TokenStream
as input and
return a new TokenStream
as output to replace the original code.
pub fn my_macro(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
These macros are invoked using the function's name followed by the !
They can be used in various places in a Rust program, such as in expressions,
statements, and function definitions.
Function-like procedural macros are best suited for simple code generation tasks that require only a single input and output stream. They are easy to understand and use and provide a straightforward way to generate code at compile time.
Attribute macros #
Attribute macros define new attributes that are attached to items in a Rust program, such as functions and structs.
fn my_function() {
Attribute macros are defined with a function preceded by the
attribute. The function requires two token streams as
input and returns a single TokenStream
output that replaces the original item
with an arbitrary number of new items.
pub fn my_macro(attr: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
The first token stream input represents attribute arguments. The second token stream is the rest of the item that the attribute is attached to, including any other attributes that may be present.
#[my_macro(arg1, arg2)]
fn my_function() {
For example, an attribute macro could process the arguments passed to it to turn certain features on or off and then use the second token stream to modify the original item. With access to both token streams, attribute macros can provide greater flexibility and functionality than using only a single token stream.
Derive macros #
Derive macros are invoked using the #[derive]
attribute on a struct, enum, or
union. They are typically used to implement traits for the input types
struct Input {
field: String
Derive macros are defined with a function preceded by the #[proc_macro_derive]
attribute. They're limited to generating code for structs, enums, and unions.
They take a single token stream as input and return a single token stream as
Unlike the other procedural macros, the returned token stream doesn't replace the original code. Instead, it gets appended to the module or block to which the original item belongs, allowing developers to extend the functionality of the original item without modifying the original code.
pub fn my_macro(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
In addition to implementing traits, derive macros can define helper attributes. Helper attributes can be used in the scope of the item to which the derive macro is applied and customize the code generation process.
#[proc_macro_derive(MyMacro, attributes(helper))]
pub fn my_macro(body: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
Helper attributes are inert, which means they have no effect on their own. Their only purpose is to be used as input to the derive macro that defined them.
struct Input {
field: String
For example, a derive macro could define a helper attribute to perform additional operations depending on its presence, allowing developers to extend the functionality of derive macros and customize the code they generate more flexibly.
Example of a procedural macro #
This example shows how to use a derive procedural macro to automatically
generate an implementation of a describe()
method for a struct.
use example_macro::Describe;
struct MyStruct {
my_string: String,
my_number: u64,
fn main() {
The describe()
method will print a description of the struct's fields to the
MyStruct is a struct with these named fields: my_string, my_number.
The first step is to define the procedural macro using the
attribute. To extract the struct's identifier and data,
the input TokenStream
is parsed using the parse_macro_input!()
use proc_macro::{self, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, DeriveInput, FieldsNamed};
pub fn describe_struct(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let DeriveInput { ident, data, .. } = parse_macro_input!(input);
The next step is to use the match
keyword to perform pattern matching on the
value to extract the names of the fields in the struct.
The first match
has two arms: one for the syn::Data::Struct
variant and one
for the "catch-all" _
arm that handles all other variants of syn::Data
The second match
has two arms as well: one for the syn::Fields::Named
variant, and one for the "catch-all" _
arm that handles all other variants of
The #(#idents), *
syntax specifies that the idents
iterator will be
"expanded" to create a comma-separated list of the elements in the iterator.
use proc_macro::{self, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, DeriveInput, FieldsNamed};
pub fn describe_struct(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let DeriveInput { ident, data, .. } = parse_macro_input!(input);
let field_names = match data {
syn::Data::Struct(s) => match s.fields {
syn::Fields::Named(FieldsNamed { named, .. }) => {
let idents = named.iter().map(|f| &f.ident);
"a struct with these named fields: {}",
quote! {#(#idents), *},
_ => panic!("The syn::Fields variant is not supported"),
_ => panic!("The syn::Data variant is not supported"),
The last step implements a describe()
method for a struct. The expanded
variable is defined using the quote!
macro and the impl
keyword to create an
implementation for the struct name stored in the #ident
This implementation defines the describe()
method that uses the println!
macro to print the name of the struct and its field names.
Finally, the expanded
variable is converted into a TokenStream
using the
use proc_macro::{self, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, DeriveInput, FieldsNamed};
pub fn describe(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let DeriveInput { ident, data, .. } = parse_macro_input!(input);
let field_names = match data {
syn::Data::Struct(s) => match s.fields {
syn::Fields::Named(FieldsNamed { named, .. }) => {
let idents = named.iter().map(|f| &f.ident);
"a struct with these named fields: {}",
quote! {#(#idents), *},
_ => panic!("The syn::Fields variant is not supported"),
_ => panic!("The syn::Data variant is not supported"),
let expanded = quote! {
impl #ident {
fn describe() {
println!("{} is {}.", stringify!(#ident), #field_names);
Now, when the #[derive(Describe)]
attribute is added to a struct, the Rust
compiler automatically generates an implementation of the describe()
that can be called to print the name of the struct and the names of its fields.
struct MyStruct {
my_string: String,
my_number: u64,
The cargo expand
command from the cargo-expand
crate can expand Rust code
that uses procedural macros. For example, the code for the MyStruct
generated using the #[derive(Describe)]
attribute looks like this:
struct MyStruct {
my_string: String,
my_number: f64,
impl MyStruct {
fn describe() {
&["", " is ", ".\n"],
&"a struct with these named fields: my_string, my_number",
Anchor procedural macros #
Procedural macros are the magic behind the Anchor library commonly used in Solana development. Anchor macros allow for more concise code, standard security checks, and more. Let's go through a few examples of how Anchor uses procedural macros.
Function-like macro #
The declare_id
macro shows how function-like macros are used in Anchor. This
macro takes in a string of characters representing a program's ID as input and
converts it into a Pubkey
type that can be used in the Anchor program.
The declare_id
macro is defined using the #[proc_macro]
indicating that it's a function-like proc macro.
pub fn declare_id(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let address = input.clone().to_string();
let id = parse_macro_input!(input as id::Id);
let ret = quote! { #id };
let idl_print = anchor_syn::idl::gen_idl_print_fn_address(address);
return proc_macro::TokenStream::from(quote! {
Derive macro #
The #[derive(Accounts)]
is an example of just one of many derive macros used
in Anchor.
The #[derive(Accounts)]
macro generates code that implements the Accounts
trait for the given struct. This trait does several things, including validating
and deserializing the accounts passed into an instruction, allowing the struct
to be used as a list of accounts required by an instruction in an Anchor
Any constraints specified on fields by the #[account(..)]
attribute are
applied during deserialization. The #[instruction(..)]
attribute can also be
added to specify the instruction's arguments and make them accessible to the
#[instruction(input: String)]
pub struct Initialize<'info> {
#[account(init, payer = payer, space = MyData::DISCRIMINATOR.len() + MyData::INIT_SPACE + input.len())]
pub data_account: Account<'info, MyData>,
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
This macro is defined using the proc_macro_derive
attribute, which allows it
to be used as a derive macro that can be applied to a struct. The line
#[proc_macro_derive(Accounts, attributes(account, instruction))]
that this is a derive macro that processes account
and instruction
The INIT_SPACE is used to calculate the initial size of an account. It is
implemented by derive macro on MyData
automatically implementing the
pub struct NewAccount {
data: u64,
The #[account]
macro also automatically derives the DISCRIMINANT of an
anchor account which implements the
trait. This trait exposes an array of 8 bytes containing the discriminator,
which can be exposed using NewAccount::DISCRIMINATOR
. Calling the .len()
this array of 8 bytes gives us the length of the discriminator;
#[proc_macro_derive(Accounts, attributes(account, instruction))]
pub fn derive_anchor_deserialize(item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
parse_macro_input!(item as anchor_syn::AccountsStruct)
Attribute macro #[program]
The #[program]
attribute macro is an example of an attribute macro used in
Anchor to define the module containing instruction handlers for a Solana
pub mod my_program {
use super::*;
pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> Result<()> {
In this case, the #[program]
attribute is applied to a module to specify that
it contains instruction handlers for a Solana program.
pub fn program(
_args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
parse_macro_input!(input as anchor_syn::Program)
Overall, using proc macros in Anchor dramatically reduces the repetitive code that Solana developers have to write. By reducing the boilerplate code, developers can focus on their program's core functionality and avoid mistakes caused by manual repetition, resulting in a faster and more efficient development process.
Lab #
Let's practice this by creating a new derive macro! Our new macro will let us automatically generate instruction logic for updating each field on an account in an Anchor program.
1. Starter #
To get started, download the starter code from the starter
branch of
the anchor-custom-macro
The starter code includes a simple Anchor program that allows you to initialize
and update a Config
account, similar to what we did with the
Program Configuration lesson.
The account in question is structured as follows:
use anchor_lang::{Discriminator, prelude::*};
pub struct Config {
pub auth: Pubkey,
pub bool: bool,
pub first_number: u8,
pub second_number: u64,
impl Config {
pub const LEN: usize = Config::DISCRIMINATOR.len() + Config::INIT_SPACE;
The programs/admin/src/
file contains the program entrypoint with the
definitions of the program's instructions. Currently, the program has
instructions to initialize this account and then one instruction per account
field for updating the field.
The programs/admin/src/admin_config
directory contains the program's
instruction logic and state. Take a look through each of these files. You'll
notice that the instruction logic for each field is duplicated for each
The goal of this lab is to implement a procedural macro that will allow us to replace all of the instruction logic functions and automatically generate functions for each instruction.
2. Set up the custom macro declaration #
Let's get started by creating a separate crate for our custom macro. Run
cargo new- lib custom-macro
in the project's root directory. The command
creates a new custom-macro
directory with its own Cargo.toml
. Update the new
file to be the following:
name = "custom-macro"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
proc-macro = true
syn = "2.0.77"
quote = "1.0.73"
proc-macro2 = "1.0.86"
anchor-lang.workspace = true
The proc-macro = true
line defines this crate as containing a procedural
macro. The dependencies are all crates we'll use to create our derive macro.
Next, update the project root's Cargo.toml
file's members
field to include
members = [
anchor-lang = "0.30.1"
The [workspace.dependecies]
has anchor-lang as a dependency, which allows us
to define the version of anchor-lang in the root project configuration and
then inherit that version in all other members of the workspace that depend on
it, by registering <dependency-name>.workspace = true
, like the custom-macro
crate and custom-macro-test crate which will be defined next.
Now, our crate is set up and ready to go. But before we move on, let's create
one more crate at the root level that we can use to test out our macro as we
create it. Use cargo new custom-macro-test
at the project root. Then update
the newly created Cargo.toml
to add anchor-lang
and the custom-macro
crates as dependencies:
name = "custom-macro-test"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
anchor-lang.workspace = true
custom-macro = { path = "../custom-macro" }
Next, update the root project's Cargo.toml
to include the new
crate as before:
members = [
Finally, replace the code in custom-macro-test/src/
with the following
code. We'll use this later for testing:
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use custom_macro::InstructionBuilder;
pub struct Config {
pub auth: Pubkey,
pub bool: bool,
pub first_number: u8,
pub second_number: u64,
3. Define the custom macro #
Now, in the custom-macro/src/
file, let's add our new macro's
declaration. In this file, we’ll use the parse_macro_input!
macro to parse the
input TokenStream
and extract the ident
and data
fields from a
struct. Then, we’ll use the eprintln!
macro to print the values
of ident
and data
. We will now use TokenStream::new()
to return an empty
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::*;
use syn::*;
pub fn instruction_builder(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let DeriveInput { ident, data, .. } = parse_macro_input!(input);
eprintln! ("{:#?}", ident);
eprintln! ("{:#?}", data);
Let's test what this prints. To do this, you first need to install the
command by running cargo install cargo-expand
. You'll also need
to install the nightly version of Rust by running rustup install nightly
Once you've done this, you can see the code output described above by navigating
to the custom-macro-test
directory and running cargo expand
This command expands macros in the crate. Since the
file uses the
newly created InstructionBuilder
macro, this will print the syntax tree for
the ident
and data
of the struct to the console. Once you confirm that the
input TokenStream
parses correctly, remove the eprintln!
4. Get the struct's fields #
Next, let’s use match
statements to get the named fields from the data
the struct. Then we'll use the eprintln!
macro to print the values of the
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::*;
use syn::*;
pub fn instruction_builder(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let DeriveInput { ident, data, .. } = parse_macro_input!(input);
let fields = match data {
syn::Data::Struct(s) => match s.fields {
syn::Fields::Named(n) => n.named,
_ => panic!("The syn::Fields variant is not supported: {:#?}", s.fields),
_ => panic!("The syn::Data variant is not supported: {:#?}", data),
eprintln! ("{:#?}", fields);
Once again, use cargo expand
in the terminal to see the output of this code.
Once you have confirmed that the fields are being extracted and printed
correctly, you can remove the eprintln!
5. Build update instructions #
Next, let’s iterate over the fields of the struct and generate an update
instruction for each field. The instruction will be generated using the quote!
macro, including the field's name and type and a new function name for the
update instruction.
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::*;
use syn::*;
pub fn instruction_builder(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let DeriveInput { ident, data, .. } = parse_macro_input!(input);
let fields = match data {
syn::Data::Struct(s) => match s.fields {
syn::Fields::Named(n) => n.named,
_ => panic!("The syn::Fields variant is not supported: {:#?}", s.fields),
_ => panic!("The syn::Data variant is not supported: {:#?}", data),
let update_instruction = fields.into_iter().map(|f| {
let name = &f.ident;
let ty = &f.ty;
let fname = format_ident!("update_{}", name.clone().unwrap());
quote! {
pub fn #fname(ctx: Context<UpdateAdminAccount>, new_value: #ty) -> Result<()> {
let admin_account = &mut ctx.accounts.admin_account;
admin_account.#name = new_value;
6. Return new TokenStream
Lastly, let’s use the quote!
macro to generate an implementation for the
struct with the name specified by the ident
variable. The implementation
includes the update instructions generated for each field in the struct. The
generated code is then converted to a TokenStream
using the into()
and returned as the result of the macro.
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::*;
use syn::*;
pub fn instruction_builder(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let DeriveInput { ident, data, .. } = parse_macro_input!(input);
let fields = match data {
syn::Data::Struct(s) => match s.fields {
syn::Fields::Named(n) => n.named,
_ => panic!("The syn::Fields variant is not supported: {:#?}", s.fields),
_ => panic!("The syn::Data variant is not supported: {:#?}", data),
let update_instruction = fields.into_iter().map(|f| {
let name = &f.ident;
let ty = &f.ty;
let fname = format_ident!("update_{}", name.clone().unwrap());
quote! {
pub fn #fname(ctx: Context<UpdateAdminAccount>, new_value: #ty) -> Result<()> {
let admin_account = &mut ctx.accounts.admin_account;
admin_account.#name = new_value;
let expanded = quote! {
impl #ident {
To verify that the macro is generating the correct code, use the cargo expand
command to see the expanded form of the macro. The output of this looks like the
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use custom_macro::InstructionBuilder;
pub struct Config {
pub auth: Pubkey,
pub bool: bool,
pub first_number: u8,
pub second_number: u64,
impl Config {
pub fn update_auth(
ctx: Context<UpdateAdminAccount>,
new_value: Pubkey,
) -> Result<()> {
let admin_account = &mut ctx.accounts.admin_account;
admin_account.auth = new_value;
pub fn update_bool(ctx: Context<UpdateAdminAccount>, new_value: bool) -> Result<()> {
let admin_account = &mut ctx.accounts.admin_account;
admin_account.bool = new_value;
pub fn update_first_number(
ctx: Context<UpdateAdminAccount>,
new_value: u8,
) -> Result<()> {
let admin_account = &mut ctx.accounts.admin_account;
admin_account.first_number = new_value;
pub fn update_second_number(
ctx: Context<UpdateAdminAccount>,
new_value: u64,
) -> Result<()> {
let admin_account = &mut ctx.accounts.admin_account;
admin_account.second_number = new_value;
7. Update the program to use your new macro #
To use the new macro to generate update instructions for the Config
first add the custom-macro
crate as a dependency to the program in its
anchor-lang.workspace = true
custom-macro = { path = "../../custom-macro" }
Then, navigate to the
file in the Anchor program and update it with
the following code:
use crate::admin_update::UpdateAdminAccount;
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use custom_macro::InstructionBuilder;
pub struct Config {
pub auth: Pubkey,
pub bool: bool,
pub first_number: u8,
pub second_number: u64,
impl Config {
pub const LEN: usize = Config::DISCRIMINATOR.len() + Config::INIT_SPACE;
Next, navigate to the
file and delete the existing update
instructions, leaving only the UpdateAdminAccount
context struct in the file.
use crate::state::Config;
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
pub struct UpdateAdminAccount<'info> {
pub auth: Signer<'info>,
has_one = auth,
pub admin_account: Account<'info, Config>,
Next, update
in the Anchor program to use the update instructions
generated by the InstructionBuilder
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
mod admin_config;
use admin_config::*;
pub mod admin {
use super::*;
pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> Result<()> {
pub fn update_auth(ctx: Context<UpdateAdminAccount>, new_value: Pubkey) -> Result<()> {
Config::update_auth(ctx, new_value)
pub fn update_bool(ctx: Context<UpdateAdminAccount>, new_value: bool) -> Result<()> {
Config::update_bool(ctx, new_value)
pub fn update_first_number(ctx: Context<UpdateAdminAccount>, new_value: u8) -> Result<()> {
Config::update_first_number(ctx, new_value)
pub fn update_second_number(ctx: Context<UpdateAdminAccount>, new_value: u64) -> Result<()> {
Config::update_second_number(ctx, new_value)
Lastly, navigate to the admin
directory and run the anchor test
to verify
that the update instructions generated by the InstructionBuilder
macro are
working correctly.
✔ Is initialized! (160ms)
✔ Update bool! (409ms)
✔ Update u8! (403ms)
✔ Update u64! (406ms)
✔ Update Admin! (405ms)
5 passing (2s)
Nice work! At this point, you can create procedural macros to help in your development process. We encourage you to make the most of the Rust language and use macros where they make sense. But even if you don't know how they work, it helps you understand what's happening with Anchor under the hood.
If you need more time with the solution code, reference the solution
branch of
the anchor-custom-macro
Challenge #
To solidify what you've learned: Create another procedural macro. Think about code you've written that could be reduced or improved by a macro, and try it out! Since this is still practice, it's okay if it doesn't work out how you want or expect. Just jump in and experiment!
Push your code to GitHub and tell us what you thought of this lesson!